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Drop Shipping

Dropshipping is an order fulfillment option that allows ecommerce businesses to outsource procuring, storing, and shipping products to a third party. This order fulfillment method appeals to entrepreneurs seeking low overhead and low capital investments, but it can come at a cost.Ecommerce is competitive. Dropshipping may appeal to entrepreneurs looking to sell generic products, but it can limit opportunities to build a brand or differentiate products. Thus, businesses that use dropshipping may wind up competing on price, leading to low margins.If you are considering dropshipping for your ecommerce business, there are several factors you should review—including some variations and alternatives that offer similar benefits.

Whole Seller

In order to sell hundreds of millions of different products to consumers around the world, Amazon’s sales platform is supported by more than 2 million third-party sellers worldwide. Of those sellers, 26% sell products using a sales model called wholesale. Wholesale is the practice of purchasing bulk branded products from another manufacturer, supplier, or distributor to resell to consumers. Examples include popular consumer electronics, kitchenware, and even popular toys.

Private Label

Private labeling for Amazon FBA means you sell (existing) products of your choosing, under your own private brand (label) on Amazon. After studying a product/market, you contact product suppliers/manufacturers directly, and they make the product for you, in bulk, at cost, under your brand name. They then ship the product, ready to sell, to Amazon. Assuming you’ve done your part in diligent research and strategic polishing, your product sells insanely well, and you hardly have to lift a finger… except to type.All the work can be done from behind your laptop or mobile device — that is, from your location flavor of the day (coffee shop, kitchen table, Bahamas, desk job, etc).